An Expert Trainer Weighs In – Fitness Volt

30-day fitness and diet challenges are incredibly popular right now. Hardly a week goes by without a new challenge emerging on social media, promising amazing results in just a few short weeks. But can these challenges really deliver on their promises, or are they just another fitness fad? As a veteran personal trainer, I’m often… ادامه خواندن An Expert Trainer Weighs In – Fitness Volt

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I Ran a Mile a Day for 30 Days – You Won’t Believe How My Body Changed! – Fitness Volt

Running is one of the most accessible workouts around. After all, you just need a pair of suitable sneakers, and you are good to go. You can run around your neighborhood, head out into the countryside, run laps of an athletics track, or hit the treadmill. Running opportunities are almost everywhere, so, like Nike says… ادامه خواندن I Ran a Mile a Day for 30 Days – You Won’t Believe How My Body Changed! – Fitness Volt

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Build Your Dream Body with These 5 Essential Pieces of Home Gym Equipment – Fitness Volt

Setting up a home gym can be a daunting prospect. Your space and budget are probably limited, so you must carefully consider your equipment choices. After all, the right workout equipment is a joy to use. In contrast, poorly thought-out purchases can be a waste of money, taking up valuable space.   As a veteran… ادامه خواندن Build Your Dream Body with These 5 Essential Pieces of Home Gym Equipment – Fitness Volt

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Don’t Skip the Cool Down! 20 Exercises for Better Recovery and Reduced Muscle Soreness – Fitness Volt

After your workout, you may be tempted to collapse in a heap, head off to the showers, and then enjoy a well-earned protein shake. But before doing any of those things, you should also do a cool-down. Unfortunately, many exercisers skip this part of their training session or pay very little attention to it. With… ادامه خواندن Don’t Skip the Cool Down! 20 Exercises for Better Recovery and Reduced Muscle Soreness – Fitness Volt

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The ONLY 5 Resistance Band Exercises You Need for a Full-Body Workout – Fitness Volt

Whether you work out at home, are traveling, or just need a break from lifting weights, resistance bands are a great option. You can replicate most popular strength training exercises with resistance bands, and research published on PubMed suggests that resistance band training is an effective way to build muscle and strength (1). As well… ادامه خواندن The ONLY 5 Resistance Band Exercises You Need for a Full-Body Workout – Fitness Volt

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The ONLY 4 Core Exercises You Need for a Stronger Midsection – Fitness Volt

I have a confession to make – I don’t enjoy abs training. I find it tedious and unrewarding. While I always include core exercises in my workouts, I do the least amount necessary to keep my midsection in good shape. This usually means 2-3 sets of 1-2 big bang-for-your-buck exercises. I focus on quality and… ادامه خواندن The ONLY 4 Core Exercises You Need for a Stronger Midsection – Fitness Volt

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The ONLY 3 HIIT Workouts You Need for Maximum Calorie Burn – Fitness Volt

I’m a veteran personal trainer, and part of my job is to help people make fitness a part of their daily lives. After all, while any workout is a good workout, your results will always be better if you exercise regularly. However, numerous barriers can make exercise consistency a challenge. According to research published on… ادامه خواندن The ONLY 3 HIIT Workouts You Need for Maximum Calorie Burn – Fitness Volt

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Boost Your Running Performance with Circuit Training – Fitness Volt

Running is one of the most popular fitness activities. People run for a host of reasons, from weight management to general fitness to competition. Studies also show that running can be very good for your health, reducing many of the greatest risks to mortality (1). However, while running has numerous benefits, it’s not without drawbacks,… ادامه خواندن Boost Your Running Performance with Circuit Training – Fitness Volt

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8 Best Outer Quad Exercises for a Killer Leg Sweep – Fitness Volt

Love them or hate them, leg workouts are non-negotiable for a well-rounded physique. A chiseled upper body is impressive, but without strong, developed legs, your physique won’t reach its full potential. Building aesthetically pleasing legs is easier said than done. The quads have four muscle heads: the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus… ادامه خواندن 8 Best Outer Quad Exercises for a Killer Leg Sweep – Fitness Volt

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These 4 Nutrition Rules Are All You Need for Muscle Growth – Fitness Volt

Bodybuilding nutrition can often seem complicated, and the more we learn about eating for muscle growth, the less we seem to know. Hardly a week goes by without some new study revealing yet more information, leading to even greater confusion. All this information overload can cause distress and even anxiety. After all, as most lifters… ادامه خواندن These 4 Nutrition Rules Are All You Need for Muscle Growth – Fitness Volt

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